What You Should Know About Elder Neglect and Abuse.
The terms “abuse” and “neglect” are two sides of the same despicable coin and should result in a civil lawsuit. Elder abuse can be physical, sexual, mental or even involve financial exploitation. The perpetrators are often tasked with elder care in accredited facilities and prey upon people’s weaknesses and good nature. Similarly, elder neglect can stem from withholding things such as food, water, care and medication among others. These are some of the common things that prompt elder abuse and neglect litigation.
Physical Harm, Including Fracture, Bruises, Burns and Wounds.
Isolation and Disregard
Unwelcome and Unprofessional Genital Touching
Psychological Terror
Lack of Proper Hygiene Care
Failure to Administer Medications
Denying Scheduled Meals and Water
Declining to Provide Aid to Disabled Persons
Theft and Overcharging for Treatment and Care
Under California’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act, victims or their loved ones can seek compensation for a range of items including pain, suffering, medical expenses as well as punitive damages.
A civil lawsuit can be brought based on abuse by providing supporting documentation of the abuse. Photographs of injuries, financial records and eye witness testimony can help buttress the claim. Punitive damages can also be sought by demonstrating a reckless disregard for the elder’s welfare. The legal standard for showing recklessness can be high, but monetary punishment will certainly go a long way toward preventing further elder abuse and neglect.
Everyday Californians place their health, well-being and trust in the medical community. That faith is sometimes not warranted when patients suffer needless harm. What is just as troubling is the fact that too often, hospitals and medical facilities refuse to take responsibility for the devastating losses they inflict.
When patients become victims due to medial malpractice, it’s time to call and attorney that will fight for you. Attorney Aron Movroydis has the experience and determination to get you or your loved one the rightful compensation that you deserve.